Beatrix Rosen

Christmas Flowers and Poinsettia Plants

4 Christmas Flower arrangements , Poinsettia Plants up to 10% Off. Same Day Delivery service throughout Kapellendorf even a few hours.

Need a Christmas gift? Give flowers.

It happens only once a year. Christmas is a unique day, a magical moment in which a warm and joyful atmosphere brings together family and loved ones. Convey your love, choose from beautiful arrangements of Christmas flowers. Give a beautiful poinsettia plant, symbol of this period of celebration, as a gift. Poinsettia plants are available in various colors, red, white and yellow. You can also choose from elegant Christmas centerpieces paired with panettoni and sparkling wine, all hand-delivered. Give beautiful Christmas gift baskets with the flowers, an impressive gift.

If you are not in Kapellendorf, you are away or just want to make a big surprise, our online flower shop in Kapellendorf offers a first-class Christmas flower home delivery service, fast and professional, with the guarantee of Euroflora, leader for over 50 years in the transmission of floral orders all over the world, synonymous with punctuality and professionalism.

Through our flower shop, you can send bouquets of flowers for Christmas throughout the city of Kapellendorf and surrounding areas online in just a few minutes, even in 2 hours. In this online catalog you will find over 4 flower arrangements picked for the Christmas holidays available starting from 53 €. Every flower bouquet is packaged before the delivery with refinement and care, with special papers, high-quality bows and nets, decorated with accessories depending on the occasion, and a card with your message will accompany the bouquet and convey your feelings in the most elegant and professional way.

We also have refined and elegant mixed seasonal flower arrangements with Christmas decorations, to make your act even more special. Every day our shop has many offers available with discounts from 5% to 20% depending on the type of flowers and the season. With us, shipping costs are always included in the price.

Ordering is also easy, in a few minutes you can place your order easily and quickly, online, from the comfort of your home, and you can pay with your credit or prepaid card on secure connections and through PayPal.

Thank you for choosing our service, we are honored to be messengers of your feelings.

Florist Beatrix Rosen

Send Poinsettia Plant & Christmas Flowers Kapellendorf