Francy's flowers and plants

Red Roses arrangements

22 Red Rose Bouquets available. We always use highest quality Roses. Guaranteed freshness. Same Day Delivery service throughout Ouzinkie even in a few hours.

Convey your feelings to your loved one with a floral arrangement of red roses.

Choose the bouquet that best suits your occasion from our online catalog, buy easily and safely, in 5 minutes you can complete your order and have the bouquet of roses you chose delivered.

We deliver first-class bunches and bouquets of red roses throughout Ouzinkie surrounding areas even in 2 hours. The home delivery is always included in the price.

Do you want to conquer her heart? Red roses have always been a symbol of love and passion, they are the ideal way to let her know that you are romantic, sensitive and passionate.

On Valentine's Day, do not forget to amaze your loved one or your best friend, even if you are far away make her feel that you are close to her, giving roses for this occasion is a heartfelt romantic act.

For Women's Day red roses are the most awaited and profound gift.

For Mother's Day red roses paired with other flowers are a symbol of gratitude and deep affection.

If the occasion is an anniversary, sending red roses is always a good choice, make this day special, you can send your floral gift even in a few hours wherever you are.

Even for birthdays, sending red roses is a symbol of affection and love, for your friends and for your love receiving roses is always a unique and unforgettable act.

In any way, on any day, at any time it is always a wonderful gesture to give roses just to make a surprise to your love by entrusting your gift to hand delivery professionals with the guarantee of Euroflora, leader for over 50 years in the transmission of floral orders in the whole world, synonymous with punctuality is professionalism

Francy's flowers and plants delivery bouquets of red roses only or combinations with mixed flowers of all prices, cheap or luxurious. You will find the arrangement of red roses that you prefer suitable for your pocket. Our red roses are first-class, always fresh and packaged just before delivery.

What are you waiting for? Easily buy from our online flower shop in just a few minutes by paying with a credit card or PayPal on secure connections.


Meaning of red roses:

Giving red roses has always been a symbol of passionate love, but also of romantic love. The most beautiful and fascinating declaration to conquer a woman is to give a bunch of roses.
Obviously, we must be careful about the language of flowers in our choice: it is true that red roses symbolize love, but another meaning is hidden within their number in the bouquet.
In general roses should always be in odd numbers.

However there are some special cases in which the number has different meanings:

  • if you give a single rose, it means that you fell in love at first sight
  • a bouquet of nine red roses communicates to those who receive it that the romance will last for a lifetime
  • if you give ten red roses, the man says to her: "You are the perfect woman for me"
  • eleven red roses indicate that the other is considered to be one's most prized possession
  • twelve tell the fear of abandonment and the hope that this does not happen
  • thirteen red roses are the sign of a passion that must be kept hidden
  • with fifteen red roses a man wants to make up for some mistake he made
  • with twenty one wants to proclaim one's sincerity
  • with thirty-three a deep love is conveyed
  • a hundred red roses are an announcement of total subjection to the beloved.
  • Finally, the number of roses can be just linked to the number of years of an anniversary, a birthday, an occasion or simply to the days, months and years when love was born.

Send Red Roses Bouquet Ouzinkie - Same Day Delivery